Hunting for Witches: an ancestral retelling

Kate Hewett searches the stories and symbols of her lineage to reclaim her roots and re-imagine her ancestral story.

‘Blodeuedd of the Otherworld’

Kate Hewett stalks the magical Celtic character of Blodeuedd through the Welsh story she appears in, the Otherworld she appears from, the land that gives her embodiment, and the messages she sends when attempts are made to recreate her.

‘Into the Gloaming’

Join Kristen Butera as twilight falls on the mountain. She meanders through the edges of the forest during the in-between time, opening up unexpected communication with the plant spirits.

How can we represent non-human voices with respect and authenticity?

Kate Hewett speaks with Suzi Crockford, Dartmoor writer and shamanic healer, about finding ways to listen to the land, become part of a place, and learn respect for the ensouled universe.

‘Right Where I Am’

'Right Where I Am' is movement piece exploring the body's relationship to earth and self. Recorded in the Dartington Arts Studios Joanna Blundell twirls, swirls and curls in a physical expression of our possible discombobulation.