‘Maps of the Imagination’

Those who make maps usually try to convince us that maps are neutral and objective representations of physical terrain. However, maps are selective as well as imaginative in that they create and superimpose meanings; they include particular aspects and exclude others, thereby telling us what is important and […]

Solitude, my secret joy

Security, privacy and containment: Sara Hudston finds these are essential characteristics for generating the 'flash upon that inward eye / Which is the bliss of solitude'.

‘Blodeuedd of the Otherworld’

Kate Hewett stalks the magical Celtic character of Blodeuedd through the Welsh story she appears in, the Otherworld she appears from, the land that gives her embodiment, and the messages she sends when attempts are made to recreate her.

‘The Virtual Museum of Lost & Found’

Found and lost things are everywhere, but what is this process of losing and finding and whose perspective defines what is lost and found? Anja Byg ponders these things on a journey through the woods and beyond.


'In the illusion of language we envision eggs / neatly lined up on the farm shop shelf sorted / by size, nestled in soft blue cardboard' Daphne Astor tracks April through words.


Tilly Meredith wonders if our attachment to the idea of youthful beauty arrests recognition of posed maturity. Her poetry and video explore an alchemical process.

‘Solstice Prayer’

Viryapuspa Nolan offers a prayer in images and sound as the winter solstice sun rises over the sea on the morning of the shortest day.

‘Extinguishing Gaslights’

To whom, or to what, are you offering me up? Offering any of us up? Nicola Perry's sword of a song spears gaslighting. Inspired by the spirit of the bard Taliesin, she invites us to declare and defend our boundaries.